The Fundamentals of Bookkeeping

The Fundamentals of Bookkeeping

The Fundamentals of Bookkeeping Bookkeeping is essential for a business to run smoothly. Whether it’s recording transactions, receivables management, or monitoring customer credit and employee wages, bookkeeping is required to both understand your current financial situation and obligations, and prepare for growth down the line. Below, we discuss the fundamentals of bookkeeping, from assets, liabilities…

Bookkeeping versus Accounting

Bookkeeping versus Accounting

Bookkeeping versus Accounting – What’s the Difference? Bookkeeping and accounting are both essential financial business functions, yet many people are unclear on the distinction between the two, and often confuse them to be the same thing. While both bookkeeping and accounting deal with important financial data, there are clear differences between their definitions, functions, and…

Exploring the Science and Art of Bookkeeping

Exploring the Science and Art of Bookkeeping

Why bookkeeping is both science and art Bookkeeping is the starting point of any accounting process. Accurate financial records serve as the foundation to an organised and properly evaluated business, helping the business run smoothly on an ongoing basis. While properly logging a business’s economic transactions can sound like a robotic process to some, there…


Dominion Post | 14 Jan 2015 | Press Release

Looking after business When it comes to the nuts and bolts of business, Sue Inkersell is a useful person to know. Photo: JOHN NICHOLSON/FAIRFAX NZ Essential service: Sue Inkersell, who runs 3rd Arm Admin, which does book-keeping and administration duties for businesses around the Wellington region. WHEN it comes to bookkeeping and administration Sue Inkersell…